“… from the beginning it was the snowflakes that fascinated me most.”
-Wilson Allwyn Bentley
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“Snowflake Bentley” and the “Snowflake Man” Celebrate 25 Years.
25th Anniversary of the publication of Wilson Bentley biography
By Louise Miglionico
It is now 25 years since the book “The Snowflake Man: A Biography of Wilson A Bentley by Duncan C. Blanchard was published. Mr. Blanchard was an atmospheric scientist and researcher at the State University of Albany. He became fascinated with the work of Wilson Bentley and thoroughly researched his life and work. He considered Bentley both a scientist and artist. Blanchard interviewed many family members, neighbors, and friends of Bentley. Blanchard also visited many universities and other institutes which housed Bentley works.
In the book Blanchard described the lengthy and painstaking process which Bentley went through to finally photograph his beloved snow crystals (over 5000). Blanchard masterfully described the environment in which Bentley lived and the relationship between that environment and the Snowflake Man’s creations. The book also provides perspective of Bentley’s relationship with his family as well as his presence in the Jericho community.
In his acknowledgements Blanchard stated in his work with the Jericho Historical Society:
“I have spent many hours visiting, talking, and writing to several members of the Society. Jean Smith, the former archivist, sent me copies of Bentley articles that otherwise would have been hard to get. I am equally grateful to Ray Miglionico, the present archivist, who sent me many photographs of Bentley, his relatives, and friends. But most of all, I am indebted to the indefatigable Blair Williams, who for more than twenty-five years has been building up the Bentley collection at the Jericho Historical Society and has not let the citizens of Jericho or the world forget Wilson Bentley. I have treasured the exchange of many letters with Blair.”

“Snowflake” Bentley: The British Invasion

“Snowflake” Bentley Photo and Letter Discovered

Happy Birthday “Snowflake” Bentley!
A recorded reading of the “Snowflake” Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illustrated by Mary Azarian. The recording was done by Sue Richardson, great-grandniece of “Snowflake Bentley!